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V3.6: Tube Upgrades and more!

09 May 2024 by James

Version 3.6 is here. Let's not waste any time and dive right in!


Enhanced Tube Status area

The Tube line page has been reworked and contains several improvements. You can now see upcoming disruption such as planned engineering and track closures, up to 14 days in the future.


You will also see a Routes dropdown. This allows you to view the routes served by each line. This replaces the A-Z list of stations. Soon (when I can get it working!!) you will be able to view individual routes on the map, which will update when you select a route via the dropdown.


UI Improvements

You will now see a few minor UI updates, such as improved alert boxes, across the website. 



You'll start seeing a small number of adverts across the site. These helps fund the operation and development of with minimal impact to you -- and who knows, you might come across an advert for a product you'll love!


If you don't want to see ads, don't worry: you won't have to pay a penny. We'll soon add an option to hide adverts if you have an account, so why not register now?



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